Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sorry for the pathetic e-mail

Ok, sorry, i have no time.  but not much has happened, so yah we´re good.

mom, thanks for the valentine package!  haha, yeah i think the easter package will get here in in a month or 2.  i think peru`s mail system is beating ours now. 

oh, so mom, i sent a letter to you thats for lindsey.  i know it doesn´t make any sense just accept that i´m weird and lazy and i lost her address again and i only go to the post office once every 6 months so it´d be faster to send the letter to you to forward to lindz. haha  (funny thing is its not only a letter i wrote to lindz but also the letter you sent to me that was for here in september)  so she´ll just be getting that a bit late, but send it all the same cuz i promised.  please and thank you. 

well i love you tons! sorry i didn´t have time to write an email for everyone today but know i´m alive and well and laughing a lot (i seriously had some pretty embarrasing moments this week)  :)

love you!

-Hermana hebdon la segunda

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