Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, March 16, 2015

Just another crazy week in the mission field.

Hola familia!

we had interviews with presidente this week and basically he told me what i had figured out for myself...that we need people to teach.  literally this sector is struggling, its actualy a relatively new sector and for that we don´t have a lot of people. so we are on the hunt for new people but we have seen a lot of success this week as we had super bueno contactos y nuevos.

Awkward story of the week:   So we´re walking down this street on sunday and 3 drunk guys approach us (3 drunk guys who are our friends when they´re sober)  and al of them start talking about how beautiful we are and such so we just keep walking fast and my companion told them we´d talk to them when they´re sober. so we got out of there and starting knocking on doors.  so one guy answers and we get into a super deep conversation about the gospel and suddenly in the middle of the lesson one of the drunk guys walks up and gives Hermana Santillan a rose and starts confessing his love for her. So she takes the rose and suddenly a spider crawls out of the rose onto her hand. So she´s trying no to freak out as she´s trying to get the spider off her and get this drunk guy to leave as i´m just standing ther trying not to break down laughing (which i failed) and our contact is just standing watching this whole scene.  haha, life as a missionary, its great :)

so yup, that´s my life right now, knocking on doors, avoiding drunk guys and preaching the gospel. and i couldn´t be happier :)

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