Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, March 9, 2015

Building houses.

Hola familia!

well, sadly i was not able to see the volcanic eruption or be rained on by a bunch of ash. the eruption was in villa rica, 2 hrs north of valdivia (the most north city in our mission)  but no, the ash and stuff didn´t reach valdivia luckily.  but all the people we visited had the videos of the eruption on the news when we visited them so i got to see that at least.  its pretty sweet. 

I´m honestly kind of overwhelmed in my new sector.  i love it and i´m excited to be working here because there´s a TON of work to do here.  this ward has a lot of problems (to put it lightly), i can´t really describe the problems in detail, just know there´s a lot of work to do to help this ward and their leaders.  So now the problem is knowing where to start.  but yes, i´m gonna be super busy for the next while.

we have a new investigator, Jasmine, who i´m super excited about, she has a million questions so our lessons are always super great.  

Random moment of the week:  as a member is trying to stop their dog from getting to me, i´m all ´´oh its ok, i´m used to it´´  and the next thing i know my whole arm´s in the dog´s mouth.  just kidding, i´m not used to my whole arm being bitten off by a dog.

So my sector reminds me a lot of Christy (for those of you who know that wonderful tv series)   so there´s this family in the ward that are building their house right now.  its super sad, they have only the foundation, walls and part of a roof.  they´re living in tents right now and had to send their 2 youngest kids to live with their grandparents.  so we went spent the whole day helping them on saturday.  they need to finish their house before winter hits or i don´t know what they´re going to do.  but their amazing, always smiling / laughing while they work.  So yeah, we helped build a house for a day. :)  i´ve missed that kind of work.  the dad was super hesitant to let us help but then i started talking about how i helped build the pool house with my dad. he was super impressed and so he let us help :)  i really do love that kind of work.  

whelp, that´s my life.  i love you all!

-Hermana Hebdon la segunda

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