Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, March 16, 2015

Our sector is right along the banks of the river. Look who I found, Butch!

Look! i found Butch!!!!  seriously he looks just like him, its weird.  and he follows us around everywhere as if he thinks i´m his owner.  literally, everywhere.  he sticks to us like glue when we´re knocking on doors and contacting and if we get in a house, when we´re done, he´s laying at the door step when we leave.  and during lessons on the street he´s always rubbing up against me trying to get me to pet him.  and he followed us home and somehow figured out how to open the gate so he could wait by our door.  hahah.  everyone here thinks he´s our dog.  Its actualy a bit of a problem but i´ll enjoy having a dog a again while it lasts :)

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