Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, October 6, 2014

Life is interesting!

What have i gotten myself into??? i´m teaching piano spanish! i don´t even know how to teach piano in english let alone spanish. and its supewr difficult cuz its multiple people and they´re all on different levels. but everyone was so intrigued that i knew how to play and when i offered to teach a bunch of people got super excited.  So we decided to start piano lessons for whoever wants to come. we´re hoping it´ll be a good way to get investigators and help inactives to make friends and get involved again.  so it might end badly with my lovely teaching and spanish experience but its worth a try i guess.  so yup i´m teaching piano and english.  an now i´m doubting my idea to become a teacher, i don´t think its the right major for me.....

general conference was amazing! holy goodness, conference blew me away, it was exactly what i needed. i was able to watch half of conference in english, so Sat afternoon session was in spanish (hna palma and i had to compromise)  i didn´t get much out of it honestly. its quite hard to understand when you can hear some englihs words in the background with their lips saying english words but hearing spanish over it. super confusing. and of course right after watching the whole session in spanish we discover the magic of subtitles. wow, we´re super smart could´ve thought of that a bit sooner. haha.  but honestly the spirit is the same no matter what language.  It was great.

So i was super proud of my spanish this week, i´d say things and then i´m all i have no idea what the goodness i just said but the people don´t look confused so it must´ve made sense.  but anywho, i was feeling great until yesterday when it crashed and burned. and now my mind is just a pile of mush.  i´ve disdcovered that Chileans are not specific at all when they ask questions and they change topics faster than mom (which is really saying something haha) and in spanish when i´m trying super hard to follow what they´re saying it really throws me off when they suddenly change topics.  so the other day we´re talking to a Hna in the ward about playing the piano and she asks me ¨Sabe rollos de canela?¨ i´m all ¨es un cancion?¨(is it a song?)  everyone starts laughing. apparently its not a song.  yeah turns out she asked ¨do you know cinnamon rolls¨ how we got from playing the piano to cinnamon rolls in less than 5 seconds i don´t know.  so i say yes i know cinnamon rolls, thinking i´m simply telling them that i know what they are.  so yesterday i asked Hna palma what we were going to do for p day today.  here is a small piece of the conversation (translated of course)
¨what are we doing tommorow?¨
¨if you know we can do it¨
¨if we know what we can do what?¨
¨you said you know them¨
¨know what?¨
¨cinnamon rolls¨
¨uhh yeah i know cinnamon rolls, what does that have to do with tomorrow?¨
¨then we can do that tomorrow¨
¨and what´s that exactly?¨
¨We´re going to make them tomorrow with Hna Jacky¨  she looks as me as if its a question...
¨was that a question?¨
¨yeah, did you understand?¨
¨yeah i understand but how is that a question? thats a statement...¨  as she looks at me as if i´m an idiot.

welcome to my life of confusion.  this is a very common occurance.  the conversation continued for another 15 min as i tried to figure out what in the world was going on.  apparently when i said i knew cinnamon rolls to them it mean i know how to make them .  why they can´t jsut say ¨do you know how to make them?¨ i don´t know.  seriously this is my life right now, it takes me 10 min just to figure out exactly what they´re trying to ask me cuz their questions are so vague.

so besides my state of confusion all is going well.  i´m trying to have patience with my spanish but it can get very frustrating when you can´t communicate with your companion.  but i can´t learn spanish all at once. baby steps.

well i love you all, Hope all is going well with you. keep up the letters & emails, seriously the support mean everything to me. thanks for everything!

love, Hna Hebdon la segunda

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