Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, September 29, 2014

I fail at life!

Hola mi familia! so it was a super sad week for numbers adn such but on the bright side i can actually ahve somewhat normal conversations with people. so there´s hope.

k, weather here is super bipolar.  seriously, one minute its completely sunny and the next its pouring rain and by the time you get your hood on its sunny again.  its ridiculous. and its super windy all the time.  best moment of the week...
        we had been walking and kno0cking on doors for two and a half hrs straight (with no luck) in the pouring rain. so naturally at a time like this i burst out into song. so i´m twirling adn skipping through the pouring rain adn singing ´´my favorite things´´ from the sound of music.  when we finally got into a member´s house my hair and skirt were dripping as if i´d just got out of a swimming pool. haha

so last p-day Hna Palma asked me to clean the kitchen, said the cleaning supplies were under the sink then left me to it.  so, i´m searching through the cleaning supplies trying to figure out which is which and not being able to read what the uses were for (cuz they´re in spanish) i saw a spray can of lysol, figuring lysol is a disinfectant and being the only name i recognized i chose taht one. so i´m spraying down the sink, stove, everything with this and wiping it down.  Hna Palma comes back in and in her broken english is all ´´that is normally for air´´  .....yeah i totally jsut cleaned the kitchen with the equivalent of febreeze.  at least the kitchen smells good!

I fail at life. hahaha, so we have an english class every week which is normally taught by Elder Johnson.  He was on an exchange so Elder York and I had to teach it.  i discovered why i was never meant to teach english.  so we were going to have everyone introduce themselves adn say what they like to do.  so elder york asks me to start.  without even thinking i stand up and in slow clear english so they´ll understand i say ´´hello, my name is Aubrey´´   oh gosh.   i hear a squeal from my companion as she breaks down laughing and i realized my mistake.  everyone was dying laughing, especially the elders.  real smooth.  i was laughing so hard i couldn´t even correct myself adn say ´´hermana hebdon i meant hermana hebdon!!!´´   hahah

anywho, yeah it was a sad week cuz none of our investigators are really progressing, but i have high hopes for this one family.  we´re walking back to our house one day and this little blonde childean girl (about 10 yrs old)  runs up to us and starts talking to us.  i don´t know if its our blonde hair connection or what but i love this girl so much (her name´s columba, both her parents have dark haird, its interesting)  anywho, so columbo invited us to her house adn when we went a couple days later she ran out and hugged us and brought us inside to meet her parents.  so we talked with them and her dad had all the questions that the plan of salvation answers. so i´m super excited about this family, there had to be a reason Columba randomly ran up to us that one day!

well, all is well in zion, i love you all. have a good week and enjoy General conference! its seriously the best time of the year being able to listen to the words of our prophets.   of course i´ll probably end up alternating watching 1 session in english adn 1 in spanish since there´s no other Hnas i can go on splits with so Hna palma and i are trying to compromise.  ...  anyways, i love you all, take care!

-Hermana Hebdon la segunda

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