Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Last few days in the CCM

Hola! How's everything going? i just first off want to thank everyone for all the emails, it really means a lot! keep writing, i can always use the support. :)

can you believe i leave monday for Chile? how bizarre is that? we got our flight information, we leave 8:30 mon night.  its a 8 1/2 hr flight then we have a 5 hr layover and then another 1 1/2 hr flight.  it'll be a long night. i hope i can sleep on the plane...

so seriously nothing interesting happened this week.  i thought i didn't want to leave the CCM and suddenly i can't wait to get out of here. its time for something new.

we have to sing as a district on sunday, i'm playing the piano and singing.  its Come thou font of every blessing.  i kinda arranged it.  it'll be interesting namely cuz the boys aren't musical and hna parkinson and i are singing a duet on the 1st verse and you know how i feel about performing for people...

Quote of the week: "what's the past tense of was?"
then one night my teacher is giving instructions for some activity and i can normally understnad his spanish just fine but i was super tired. to when he finishes i turn to my compnaion and say "translate" and she's all "wow i know your tired when you ask me to translate after he just explained it in english"  hahah.  fail.  i'm losing it. my  mind is slowly melting. i seriously had no idea he was speaking english.

well i really don't have much to say. every day's practically the same. we study (or at least attempt to) and study some more. and when i say study its more of sitting at my desk staring at my book while the elders distract me and tease me mercilessly.  I love them all to death but its starting to get old.  its time to leave the CCM.  i'm ready.

whelp, i love you all! take care.  wish me luck as i enter the field! (btw, i'm way to excited for this plane ride, it sounds like a huge plane, course i didn't get a window seat, just my luck, but it'll still be sweet.  it's gonna be a party, especially the 5 hr layover cuz my whole district is on the same flight and everything)

anywho, have a good week, i love you all!

~Hermana Hebdon la segunda

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