Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, September 8, 2014

Today's the day!

today's the day, the sun is shining, the tank is clean. the tank is clean!  *name that movie....

whelp, i officially head out in an hour. and i have no idea how the goodness i fit everything in my suitcases.  biggest struggle of my life.  apparently my carry-on is supposed to be 17 lbs.  it literally is 43 lbs.  practically as heavy as my check-in bags which are both 49 lbs.  so i'm praying really hard they don't weigh the carry-on or i might have some major problems.  either i'll have to chuck a bunch of stuff (i already got rid of some shirts cuz i couldn't fit them anywhere)  or i'll have to pay a bunch of money. so yup. wish me luck

This week has been super long. I'm so excited to leave, but its been hard saying goodbye to people.  saying goodbye to my district is gonna be one of the hardest things i've done.  spending all day everyday for 6 weeks with the same people, you get really close.  

anywho, not much has happened. or at least i don't remember what happened because i wasn't anticipating this email time so i didn't actually go through my journal to remember what happened... but yeah.  i love you all, i hope i survive getting through the airport with my ridiculous luggage.


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