Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, October 13, 2014

I'm starting week #6

Hola mi familia! wow the weeks really do go by super fast. i´m on week 6! what?!  half-way done with my 12 weeks of training in the field. 
ok i´m gonna combine emails now cuz email time is super stressful, so for the fam... that is so pathetic that you just got my letter from Mexico.  something is seriously wrong with their mail system. haha, well happy belated birthday i guess dad. hahah. thats pretty funny.  dad, that is one profound metaphor, thanks for that.  I´m glad ole and lexi get along, honestly i was kinda worried that ole would try and hurt any dog that invaded his space in our family after what happened with scotty.  So apparently it takes who knows how long for me to get my mail here. i don´t think it takes very long to get to the mission home but then it sits there until the zone leaders need something from the mission home and then they just grab as many letters as they can carry. not the most effective system but....i guess i´ll have to learn patience.  wait, olympus is doing cinderella? why?  hmm guess i´m not missing out on much, its not my favorite.  thanks for putting my name in the temple, i really do need all the prayers i can get. and i definitely have been recieving answers to those prayers. every time someone compliments my spanish i just say its not me. cuz its not. its completely the gift of tongues. the lord is definitely on my side.   we´re making the cinnamon rolls today, i hope i remember the recipe correctly....i think i do but i´m not positive... but also the ingredients here are different, the brown sugar is the texture of normal sugar, its weird. and i have no idea if the yeast is the same......i guess i´ll find out.  i really do want a good recipe for chocolate chip cookies so i would love you very much mom if you´d email that recipe. thanks.

Alright, week 5.  I had m,y7 first intercambio this week adn i absolutely lo9ved it!  pretty sure i made up for the month´s worth of no speaking english in 1 day. i talked so much.  hna westover pretty much knows my life story just cuz it felt so good to talk to someone and they actually understand.  and i loved actually having roommates with other hnas. its a bit quiet in our house with just me and hna palma.
k, so they have this thing with evil spirits here and it creeps me out. one member is telling us how her house has an evil spirit that she´s felt push her several times.  apparently missionaries hear this kind of stuff a bunch here. it gives me the chills.

spanish mistake of the week... i´m telling Hna palma about my experience with intercambios and as i try to say we stopped at someone´s house i conjugated the ver for stop (parar) wrong so what came out was ¨we gave birth at someone´s house¨.  my companions face was priceless.  parar and parir, their similar right? whoops. hahah

yesterday the teacher for sunday school for the ym yw didn´t show up so hna palma and i ended up teaching. it actually went really well. i loved it.  my spanish is actually starting to surprise me.  its great though, because as the members realize my spanish is better they´ve actually started talking to me a bunch more.  and i can hold a conversation, mainly cuz i´ve learned taht ¨bien, muy bien¨ answers practically every question they ask ;)  so just laugh when they do and say bien a lot adn you can have a great conversation with them.

we´re out of wood. sad day. the mission only provides wood for the winter months so we´re lñeft to freeze. so today we´re rearranging the house so we´ll study in a smaller room where we have a small heater that will hopefully keep us warm.

well that my week.  all is well, time is flying by and life couldn´t be better.  i love you all! have a great week!

-Hermana Hebdon la segunda

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