Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, October 27, 2014

Always an adventure.

Hola familia! 
Dad i got the pkg! thanks a ton, haha my reaction when i saw the candybars was priceless.   i got a letter from grandma! tell her thanks for me!  and shout out to the ashcrafts, thanks for th ewedding invitation i love it, sorry i missed it.  give them my congrats  and thanks for the note, i love you guys so much and miss you a ton!

so i wrote a novel last week so i´ll keep this short and sweet.

it was cambio week and it was crazy. so we got 1 new elder in our district and guess what, he´s from chiclayo peru!  small world. so i´ve been asking him all about chiclayo. his spanish is a bunch easier to understand than the chileans. so lindz has it easy up in peru.

we had an emergency intercambio this week.  2 hnas were having problems in their area. in short they were robbed at knife point on their way home to their casa at 10:15at night (thats why you follow the rules and return when you´re supposed to).  so anyway, they came and stayed with us and we went on divisions. i absolutely loved it, it gave me a chance to test how well i know my area and the people. and i actually did good at contacting! thats a first. 

so we made cinnamon rolls on pday last week.  it was amazing. they turned out super good to my surprise. i was sure it was going to be an utter fail especially when i opened the pkg of yeast only to discover it was the texture of playdough.  but they ewre amazing and the best part was everyone´s reaction, i don´t believe they´ve had anything like it before.

highlight of the week, our investigators evelyn and eduardo accepted a baptismal date! we´ve been teaching them since i got here and i have a lot of faith in them, so we´re praying really hard this´ll fall through. the only problem is they´re not married (this is the case with basically everyone here, i´m gonna be pro at teaching the law of chastity when i get back)  so we´re hoping they take the lesson on that well...

sundays are so crazy. so much for day of rest, for missionaries it consists of running around trying to get people to come to church.   i get to play piano for the primary program!

that awkward moment when you´ve been walking for hours and no one´s home so you start teaching a dog the plan of salvation only to find out that this just happened to be the 1 house with someone home and they´re staring at you like you´re crazy....

yup, so life is good. life as a missionary is an adventure thats for sure. but i love it!

i love you all, have an amazing week! 

-hna Hebdon la segunda  (aka Aubrey *cough*mom*cough*cough -i thought you might need a reminder ;) haha

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