Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, November 3, 2014

Three months in the Mission field.

Hola familia!  can you believe its officially been 3 months since i left on my mission? crazy huh?

Mom- wow your diet sounds really easy, just don´t eat this this this and that and your good! hahaha, real simple. thanks for the tip ;)  i found a bag of popcorn in the casa the other day, that was a happy day. i miss our popcorn days.  thats really cool you got to see all your friends from escondido, i´m sure it was great to see them.
Dad - an intercambio (i honestly don´t know the word for it in english hah) but its when we switch companions for 1 day.  my spanglish is definitely getting worse, its pretty funny but yeah i guess its a good sign!  yeah the dogs are definitely our best investigators :)  

So it was a very unproductive week and therefore very discouraging.  we did a bunch of walking (so i guess it was productive physically, thats good right?)  we´re in desperate need of new contacts to teach cuz none of our investigators are progressing much.  but its really hard to contact people on the street when its pouring rain so we kinda need to figure out a new way to contact.  but i have faith this week will be better!

we did have a baptism this week, for 8 yr old fernanda.  i absolutely adore her and her family, her mom served a mission in temple square so she saved my life my 1st week here when i found out she could speak english.  so anyway, we get to the baptism and literally 5 min before it starts she asks us to perform a special musical number.  so I ended up singing & playing ¨Yo se que vive mi señor¨(i know that my redeemer lives)  (the version i arranged before i left)  for her baptism.  it actually went really well considering the fact taht it was completely last minute and i hate performing.  and i have a feeling that now the people know i can sing thats not going to be the last time i´m gonna have to perform. great.  the next day in correlation the leaders were saying how we need more spiritual sacrament meetings and they asked how and someone says musical numbers as everyone stares me down.  lovely. 

embarrasing moment of the week:  we´re eating lunch at mamit´as house and its this soup with a huge chunck of meat and half a corn on the cob in the soup.  so my companion takes another plate and puts teh chicken and corn on the cob on the plate to cut and eat it.  well i thought that was too much effort so i´m trying to cut the corn off the cob in the soup. next thing i know my corn on the cob flys out of the bowl along with half my soup and lands in my lap (and of course it was the skirt that i finally washed and got back that day)  smooth. haha, Hna palma and i were laughing so hard. and mamita runs into the other room, i assumed it was to get something to clean the soup off me, but not, it was only to get me a new piece of corn on the cob. haha.

so i´m learning that they gave us waterproof skirts for a reason. my companion told me to bring it one day and i´m all ¨no i´m fine¨, by our last appt my skirt was dripping as if i dropped it in the pool.  i felt bad that it was dripping all over their floor so without really thinking i stuff the ends of my skirt into my boots.  it was a terrible idea.  as if i wasn´t cold/wet enough having to walk home with wet feet was aweful.

mom, remember how i promised not to laugh during prayers on my mission? i failed.  i couldn´t help it.  we´re visiting with an investigator and his son (about 7) has 2 friends over. they were so intrigued that i know english. so to appease them and their questions and start the lession at the same time i offered to say the opening prayer in english which they were thrilled. so i start (i haven´t prayed in english in 3 months)  halfway through the prayer i realized i had switched to spanish on accident. so i´m all ¨por favor.. i mean por favor....¨ and an awkward pause as i struggle in my mind to remember what por favor is in english. haha. fail.

well all is going well here.  we´re working hard, i feel like a pioneer with how much walking we do.  Whelp, i love you all, take care!

-Hna Hebdon la segunda

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