Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, November 24, 2014

One week left of training.

i´m almost done with my first 12 weeks! which means less study time so its kinda sad, and we´re pretty positive hna palma´s gonna leave this area cuz she´s been here 6 months. 

dad, so all this stuff with family history is cuz they really stress using family history as missionaries to find new people to teach because it interests people. so to help excite them i thought it´d be cool to have an example to show them of collections of family history and such. (plus i realizied i know nothing of my relatives) so yeah, i´m super excited about this. honestly i didn´t know all that about grandma and grandpa green and i was so excited telling my companion everything and compiling it into my handy dandy family history book.  thanks so much for helping me with this, it means the world to me!

so, another crazy, yet amazing week.  i was exhausted every night when we returned to the house and i don´t think my back will ever be the same with all this walking with my heavy bag. but life´s good.

we had intercambios again adn i was left in charge of our sector for a day. it actually went super well, i loved it!

So we had an interesting-amazing visit with one investigator, Cony.  so she truly wants to be baptized but her situation with her husband (partner i guess cuz they´re not married) is super complicated and she leaves in December for 4 months so we´re trying to get her to accept a date for baptism before she leaves.  so we were hoping for a super spiritual meeting but it was crazy. there were 2 babies crying adn Cony´s trying to calm them down. so in the middle of this there´s really not much we can do to help. so as cony is trying to feed her toddler and rock the baby to sleep, both crying, i just started singing christmas hymns (i don´t know why)  but i sang until the baby fell asleep and the toddler was calm (a good 10 min). when i stopped it was completely silent and the spirit was so strong.  it ended up being one of the most powerful lessons we´ve taught.

Hardest thing i´ve ever done:  trying to maintain a straight face while teaching a contact as i see my companion being attcked by an overly friendly dog out of the corner of my eye.

it was the primary program yesterday.  it was super special.  i absolutely love playing the piano for the primary, can that just be my calling in the church for the rest of my life?  oh man, when the primary kids sang the first verse of families can be together forever and then their families rose and sang the 2nd verse the spirit was overwhelmingly powerful.

so yup, it was a great week, i hope all is well, have a wonderful thanksgiving. eat a bunch of pie for me cuz thanksgiving doesn´t exist here so my thanksgiving dinner´s gonna be an orange or something. :)  i love you all!

-Hermana Hebdon la segunda

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