Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, September 7, 2015

Crazy week!

So when Curtis told me in his letter to ¨Sprint to the finish¨ i don´t think he knew i´d take it so literally. haha.   this week was soooooo crazy and i´m exhausted. i´ve never been so excited for P´day.  all i´m gonna do today is sleep.
We had 4 exchanges with the hermanas this week because we were already 2 weeks behind because my companion came late in the transfer.  So we literally were running from place to place everyday this week. My poor companion was living in a suitcase cuz she was always staying with the other hermanas while i lead our sector.  But it was super fun cuz i was with all the newbies. I miss training, its so much fun to work with the greenies cuz they have so much animo but have no idea how to do things :)

Gina´s still going strong.  3 weeks until her baptism!  Yesterday we had an interesting experience with her.  she arrived at church a bit late and when i greeted her and asked how she was she said ¨scared¨  but she wouldn´t tell me why until our appt with her that night.  so when we went she told us she saw a video that scared her and made her question everything.  so she showed us 2 min of this video that´s on youtube and i about died of my mix of emotions.  it was the session in the temple.  the whole session.  I can´t believe someone could do that, i almost started crying just seeing how terrible the world is, how they can play with something so sacred.  it was hard for me to overcome this fear that Gina would change her mind about everything, but she´s amazing, a real testimony for me.  she´s stronger than the adversary. and after much testifying and a lesson truly guided by the spirit she accepted it and understands that its something she´ll understand when the moment is right.

whelp, i don´t really have too much to say this week, probably cuz i´m brain dead. that´s one thing i´m learning in my mission, is how to think of and do million things at once.   leading my sector, focusing on the needs of our investigators and less-actives, figuring out when and where to do exchanges, what the hermanas need and how to help them, doing everything our ward leaders are asking, looking for a new house (we have to move for security reasons), and managing 3 separate funds and how to use the money and how much we will need.  i´ve never had so much on my mind.  so yes, i feel like i am ¨sprinting to the finish¨, but of course i can always sprint faster and give a little more! 
random fact:  so i failed at managing the money this month  because they gave us the money for traveling in our sector late, so i had to use money from my funds for food and now i´m broke and it just so happens that there are 5 mondays this month so we don´t recieve money for 1 more week....and we literally only have rice and oatmeal in our house. haha, so i guess i´ll just starve for 1 week...or fast...every day...

other random fact:  After correlation with our Leader misional we decided to stay in the church for the last 1/2hr of the day to prepare a special musical number for the elder´s baptism the next day.  but our mission leader was concerned for our security the fact that we´d be alone in the church at night.  so he told us to lock the gate after he left.  so we lock it, practice our song and as we go to leave we couldn´t unlock the gate!  we were there for 15 min trying everything to unlock it but nothing worked. we were locked inside the church grounds.  so we had to call the elders to come free us.  they arrived 15 min later and we were just sitting on the ground doing our daily planning session.  haha. fail.

whelp, i love you all tons! i hope you´re enjoying hawaii mom & cas.
oh hey mom, haha, you told me in your email that the basement was a bit behind schedule becuase cassi was there with the kids, but hasn´t the basement been behind schedule for the past 6 years??? ;) 

Have a great week!

-Hermana Hebdon la segunda

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