Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, September 7, 2015

I guess I should write something.

Hola a todos!

well, there´s not much to say and not much time.  but this week was amazing work-wise.  we found so many new investigators this week, it was amazing! i´ve never had so many people to teach before.  :)  its amazing how fast time flys by when you´re busy working.

so, we had interviews with Presidente this week.  but it was a little different.  He came to our house with Hermana Obeso and the Zls to inspect the house, i think our inspection failed cuz we have to move. so we´re in the process of looking for a new house.   and we always failed cuz i believe our ZLs are gonna hate us now.  hahahah, so our door is somewhat broken, and we have to slam it super hard for it to shut, so as they leave, Hna Oross slams the door, but it didn´t work, so with 3 times as much force she slams the door right as Elder sandstrom turns back to ask something and in the process points at something in our house, and yes, Hna Oross slams the door with all her might, smashing his finger in the door.  He just says in a voice of pain ¨its ok, it didn´t hurt¨  and quickly walks away, leaving Hna Oross there in a state of shock with what she just did and me (though i shouldnt´ve laughed at his pain), dying of laughter for 10 min.

So we´re off to Chiloé this week for intercambios! I can´t wait!

and that´s about it.  well, i love you all tons!

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