Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, June 1, 2015

If I die.....

Hola Familia!
well we enjoyed 3 days of hot water and we´re back to our freezing cold showers.  lovely.  i´m surprised my shower hasn´t starting spitting out ice or snowing on me cuz this water isn´t a normal cold, its ICE cold.  i´ve officially gone 5 weeks with cold showers.  i guess i´m starting to get used to it.

winter is coming and i´m so excited (not).  i couldn´t sleep at all last night because of the rain and wind.  our roof is nothing but a thin piece of tin so we can hear everything.  i couldn´t sleep cuz it sounded like our roof was going to randomly fly away.

So i´m more than halfway done with my mision so i decided to get rid of half my stuff.  Stefanie (the girl who´s going to chiclayo) is leaving in a few week and has nothing  so i asked a favor of her, seeing that my problem is fitting all my stuff in my suitcases so she came over and picked out the clothes she wanted, so hopefully next time i have a transfer it won´t be so hard to pack :)  (but Hna santillan left a bunch of super cute argentinan skirts so i have new clothes too)

So the other day we´re sitting in the kitchen eating while listening to hna sarceño´s music.  we´re listening to this super spiritual music from the church when suddenly the song changes and its a song from maroon 5 (aka, a super popular band) and i´m all ¨what the goodness hermana why do you have this song?  and my companion´s all ¨why, its a song from the church....right?¨   hahah, apparently she copied a bunch of music from other hermanas and because they´re all in english she can´t understand them but just trusted that they were church songs.   so now we have a bunch of music from maroon 5, f.u.n and owl city that i need to go and delete.  but it killed me, i do miss my music....

If i die Eliza will inherit my belongings.  I seriously am going to die from samonela.  My companion has NO idea how to handle raw chicken and while cooking it probably touched everything in the kitchen with her chicken-covered hands.  then after witnessing that i open the fridge the next day to find the chicken on the top shelf, not covered at all, with the salad and strawberring on the shelf directly beneath the chicken.  i had a good talk with my companion after that.  but it didn´t help much cuz that day she cooked the rest of the chicken and when i started eating it realized that it was completely raw in the middle.  So, if i die, i love you all!

Random fact, i´m learning how to knit!  its a super cool talent that everyone has here and i´m now determined to learn.

miracle of the week:  i talked to Pancho, a recently reactivated member, the other day a ton about serving a mission, he had a ton of fears about leaving and didn´t really want to go.  so we had this super deep conversation and 2 days later told me that he opened his mission papers and is now super excited to go :)  he´s going to be an amazing missionary, he´s been through so much and has grown a ton from his trials.  

well i love you all so much! have a great week!

-Hna Hebdon la segunda

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