Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, May 25, 2015


Mom, you kill me, you sent all my emails back to me for the past month? hahahahha, thanks, it was great to get an update on my life :)

so we had transfers this week, Hna santillan left for los lagos and my new companion arrived super late that day. Hna Sarceños (from Guatemala) had been in Punta Arenas (aka, the end of the world. the very very tip of Chile close to antartica)  and she had been companions with Hna Parkinson (aka my companion from the MTC)  so its been great to hear stories about how she´s doing.  Hna Sarceños is great. I feel like i´ve talked more the past 2 days than i have the past 3 months. She loves to talk! 

i gave a talk in church yesterday.  i realized i´ve completely changed.  so before my mission i always wrote, and rewrote exactly what i was going to say and still i couldn´t get my talks longer than 5 minutes.  and now i had only 5 points written down and somehow talked until the bishop handed me a note saying that my time was up and i need to sit down.  hahaha.  

Yesterday we had some interesting contacts in the street (al may or maynot have been somewhat drunk)....  So this one grandpa guy we walk past stops us and asks us to give him some counsel on how he can find peace in his home.  so bueno, we began teaching him a bit and he starts sharing his struggles and challenges in life and suddenly points at me and is all ¨she knows me, she understands.¨  confused i just nodded my head.  and then when my companion asked his name and where he lives he points at me ¨she knows, ask her¨  (in my mind i´m all what the goodness i´ve never seen this guy in my life!)  and thus continued the conversation with this guy who was 100% sure that i knew him and everything about him because every question we tried to ask, ¨she knows¨  uhhhhh. yeah, of course i know....?????
then directly after that contact another guy stops us and was super offended that we never passed by his house saying that we were liers because hna Sarceño who he apparently met 3 weeks ago said we were going to visit him. i tried explaining that Hna Sarceño was new here and just arrived 2 days ago and he just called me out as a lier saying that he talked to her weeks ago.  Then proceeded to ask me a million questions that i didn´t exactly know how to answer.  for example ¨why does this dog follow you?¨ ¨I don´t know , he just does¨ ¨no but why?!¨ ¨uhhh because he uhh...wants the gospel in his life?....¨ ¨and why are you wearing boots!?¨ ¨because its cold...?¨  ¨i´m going to come to your church and you´re going to tell me the truth! i don´t want you to lie to me, i need the truth!¨   so basically it was the weirdest conversation i´ve ever had in my life and everytime my companion tried to ask something he was all ¨no, i´m asking her!¨ pointing to me, and the problem was half his questions didn´t make anysense to me but he wouldn´t allow my companion to help me anwers them. hahaha.   talking to drunk people is quite entertaining sometimes....

So yeah, thats my week.  i´m super exited to work with Hna Sarceño, she´s amazing.

well i love you all!

-Hna Hebdon la Segunda

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