Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, July 6, 2015

Hello Puerto Montt goodbye Valdivia.

WHola a todos!
first off, mom, you are a miracle worker, thanks for helping with this i know it will mean the world to Hna Sarceño.  I´ll try to get her email but i don´t exactly know how cuz she only has 4 names as part of her email and i only know her nickname and last its a bit of a problem.... so maybe letters will be a bit more effective for now...?

second off, Chile won the American cup!!!!! whohoooooooo!!!!! (sorry lindz ;)   haha, but presidente gave us permission to watch it, how sweet is that, so we got to watch the final soccer game between argentina and chile. i have to admit, watching a soccer game isn´t nearly as intense/fun as watching a football game, but hey, it was still cool.  funny fact, that morning i woke up and excited for the soccer game i decided to wear chilean colors.  so i´m walking around in red white and blue and we go to leader council and all the gringos are talking about how its the 4th of july.  haha. so at least i was being patriotic without realizing it :)

well i´m repenting that i was so pesado last week.  i wasn´t expecting transfers at all and i didn´t want to leave my beloved Collico. but now i´m back in puerto montt and i´ve never been happier!

transfers were crazy as always.  Monday and tuesday were filled with running around saying goodbye to everyone.  my heart broke. i hate goodbyes.  the people in valdivia are special. i love them all so much :/   the hardest was saying goodbye to Pancho, he became a brother to me the past 5 months. 

i didn´t sleep very much my last 2 days there we were frantically packing, writing notes to the people i didn´t have time to visit and cleaning the house. i slpet 3 hrs my last night there... and so transfer day arrived adn i was expecting it to be the worst day of my life.  well turns out it was opposite of what i was expecting cuz i got to see so many old friends.

so in the bus terminal in valdivia i got to see elder medina (the elder who decided to stay on his mission because fo what i said to him) and he told me that he had 2 baptisms this last transfer adn 1 more person is going to be baptized in 1 week. it was a sweet moment when he told me that none of that would´ve happened if it weren´t for me and what i said to him that one day.  i can´t even express the joy of seeing the fruits from 1 small act of talking to that and helping excite him for his mission.

so then i talked the whole bus ride to puerto montt to 2 elders who were with me in the MTC. then in puerto montt we had to wait all day in the terminal for the other hermanas to arrive. so as i´m just sitting there concentrated on writing a letter suddenly a voice next to me filled with a ton of energy (like always) in english with his spanish accent says ¨well isn´t it just a great day!¨  i was so startled i jumped 2 feet, and looking up i see elder gomez chiquitito, elder dominguez, elder hard and... Hna Parkinson!!!!! (all from my old districts)  i´ve never been so happy!  turns out that Hna Parkinson is in my zone so i´ll be able to go on exchanges with her.    so then immediately after that i hear a confused voice behind me say ¨hna hebdon???¨ and i turn around to find Marcela, my mom/best friend from puerto montt.  seriously this day was just too good to be true. i´m so happy to be back in puerto montt! (i´m in the sector next to my old sector so i have a feeling i´m going to see all my friends :)

so yeah, now my new area....first off, i don´t remember why i remembered hna davila super serious and such, perhaps its jsut cuz the last time i saw her in puerto montt was when we had some problems in the zone and she´s the one that told president and got everyone in trouble.......but she´s amazing. we´re going to make a great companionship, she is a really hard worker adn knows hwo to work effectively.  she´s from argentina and a great singer! i´m so excited to have someone to sing with again.   so then my ward is huge compared to valdivia. there´s 150 something  compared to the 30 in valdivia

dad, i´m to be more than prepared to climb mt olympus when i get home. my sector is nothing but giant hills!  and climbing them 10x a day, i´m soooo sore (the incline is worst than the mt olympus trail)  but i feel great cuz now its actually exercise to walk around the whole day.  mom those new boots you sent me have officially saved my life! my other shoes wouldn´t be able to handle walking up and down these rocky hills.

on friday we went to a leaders counsel. it was all the ZLs and sister training leaders (there´s only 12 in the whole mission)  i´m actually really excited for this assignment  i wasn´t expecting it or wanting it for that matter but now to work so closely with all the other missionaries is gonna be great.

well i love you all so much!
sorry if i don´t have time to respond to all the personal emails cuz this is a novel and i´ve left myself no time. but know that i appreciate every email, letter and package. i love you all!!!!!

-Hna Hebdon la segunda

yup, sorry, lindz, we won peru! ;P

this is sandra, jacob and fransisco, i´ve never laughed so hard than i have with them
this is my family in Collico, mamita, esteban and 
I can´t even express how much i love hermana sarceño!
this is my brother Pancho, seriously, my best friend here

this is lucy, the puppy we adopted for a few days :)
my beloved Collico!
and of course butch was following 
ok , this photo is terrible thanks to the rain but basically, i have a sweet view of the city and at night its gorgeous!

the view from my house! seriously our house is the point of the tallest hill, i can´t study cuz i just love staring out the window all day haha :)

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