Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I'm a live!

Don´t worry, i´m alive.  yesterday was super wierd. so i finish my email to you guys and then discover the internet randomly died.  but not just in the place we were at, in all of south america the internet suddenly died. how that works i have no idea.... but yeah, i´m alive. :)  ...but i did end up in the hospital this week....

So yup,  funny story.  so we´re just studying one morning when the elders called telling us that they needed our blood.  literally one of the last things i was expecting.  apparantely there was a member who was sick and needed blood so all the missionaries in puerto montt were called to help.  so i broke my promise to myself.  i promised myself i´d never give blood because of my fear of needles.  this is the only situation that could get me to give blood.  so yup, i´ve officially donated blood and i didn´t even pass out! i´ve broke the family trend.  but i did get super light headed and they wouldn´t let me leave the chair for about 15 minutes and they brought me juice and everything while i just sat there trying to get my head back.

we went on a zone trip to petrohue yesterday. it is sooooo beautiful.  chile is amazing :)

well mom, you´re asking for an update of how things are going on an interesting week.  the key indicators for the mission changed from a bunch (such as lessons with member, other lessons, less actives and such) to just 2 -- baptisms and total attendance for church  so our numbers kinda plummeted. our whole district has been struggling for a while.  we have a bunch of great people but none want to act now.  everyone here needs to be married. and we have a ton of great investigators that want to be baptized but their partner doesn´t want to be married so its kinda a problem.  but i have a lot of faith for this next transfer.  we didn´t have any transfers in our district! :)  but i am scared for the next one, chances are i´m getting switched out of puerto montt :/  i could pass my whole mission here i love it so much!

mom, thanks for the dress i absolutely love it!!!  aunt becky & uncle andy thanks a million for the package :)   and thanks everyone for the letters! 
 Alisa, thanks for the card, i love the pictures, heber´s so big now i can´t believe it!  
Cas, thanks for the pictures they were much needed! have a great time in costa rica!  
Curtis and mindy you have the cutest little girl ever! Mindy i hope you´re feeling better.

I love you all a ton! 

-Hermana Hebdon la segunda

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