Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, December 29, 2014

Long time no see.

well it was so good to see and talk to you all this week! and since i talked to you all i don´t really have much to say this week.  but i´m assuming there´s going to be a mindy jr this week so congrats curtis and mindy! send me millions of pictures!  

thanks again for all the letters and presents! i love them so much and it really means a lot! thank you ashcrafts, joyce, curtis/mindy, jenny/andrew and mom! :)

hmm i really don´t have anything new to tell you so i´ll just send a bunch of pictures today :) 

but it was amazing to see all of you, i love you all so much! i´ll see ya on mother´s day, only 5 more months! :)

Christmas dinner with the Elders at a members house.

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