Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, August 10, 2015


Whelp, its week of transfers!!! i couldn´t be more excited. Presidente Obeso called us last night with our transfers.  i´m staying here and next week hna Davila is off to valdivia and Hna Oross (from California) is coming here with me.  I met Hna Oross in Valdivia.  we randomly ran into her and her companion and had lunch with them one p-day.  she´s amazing so i´m super super excited!
guess what else, my new ZL is my district leader from the CCM! elder sandstrum. and the new president´s assistent just happens to be Elder Fatheringham. (my companion was telling me this week how we somehow have to gain the trust/friendship of the APs so that we can recieve special permission to do stuff)  well guess what, i´ve already got that cuz we went to school together. ;)

so, we went on a bit of an adventure this week...There´s a part of our sector that´s out in the country.  This week we had an appointment with a less active family that just happens to live out in the country.  So we take the bus as far as it goes, and when we get off there was a huge factory of some sort. so my companion starts down the road on the left of this building.  little did we know that the road we needed to take was just on the other side of this building.  so we walk and walk and walk down this road in the middle of nowhere.  eventually we saw a small population of houses and headed toward them with so much hope.  yeah, so we finally arrive and discover that it was not the place we were looking for.  so thinking it was a giant U we just continued walking forward.  the road was not a giant U...   randomly we encountered a huge pond in the middle of our ¨road¨ and had to find a way around it which included walking through a ton of poky bushes.    then right as we conquer that little obstacle and we´re still laughing about it, we suddenly walk up to a huge crater in the middle of the road.  there was no way around it for it was surrounded by millions of thorny bushes.  so i figured the only way to the other side was climbing down the crater and back up the other side.  so with some difficulties we finally made it to the other side only to find that there was no road at all.   so we just kept walking to where we knew would eventually lead to the main road.  we finally found a small town and followed the road we found there to the main road.  5 yards before we reached the main road we found a sign that said ¨villa fitz roy¨ (our inicial destination)   but by this time it was dark and we had another appointment to get to.  so we never did make it to visit that less active family....  but we did have a great adventure wandering in the middle of nowhere for 2+ hours.  haha

This was a week of miracles.  I was honestly giving up hope with Daniella, she was super clear the other day that she wanted to continue in the catholic church.  but suddenly, i don´t know what made her change her mind (the spirit obviously), but she had a change of heart and as we went to visit her 2 days ago randomly told us that she´s stopped drinking coffee and she´s been reading in the book of mormon!  so she accepted a baptismal date again for the end of this month!
and Gina told us that she´s not accepting a baptismal date because she knows her family will reject her and her decision. but then yesterday she said it doesn´t matter if they accept it or not, she wants to be baptized!!!! :D

I´m so excited for this new cambio. i have a million goals/ideas of how to help this sector. I´ve just got to give it my all. 
 ¨sprint to the finish¨

love you all!!!

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