we had a bunch of activities for navidad and they were all amazing! we had an activity with president Obeso and all the missionaries near puerto montt and we all sang in the plaza for over an hour. it was amazing :) but kinda difficult to sing with this cold. then we had our actividiad de navidad for our ward. Hna rhees and i sang a duet for it. it went super well. but the best part was, as i´m playing the opening hymn Maurisio (our new investigator with a baptismal date) walks in! :D so we´re super excited!
i´m not gonnna write much cuz then i won´t have stuff to say on friday....
so my district leader elder gomez kill me. haha, he loves practicing his english on us which his english is actually amazing. so last night he´s talkin gto us and he syas ¨i thank you with all my lungs and throat¨ hahahah, i about died of laughter. for some reason he thought it was a saying we use. :)
well, i´m excited to talk to y´all on Friday! lets pray the connection goes smoothly....
oh and thanks to everyone for the letters and packages! you´ve officially made my life happy :)
-Hna Hebdon la segunda
can we just appreciate my mini christmas tree with all my lovely pkgs and letters? thanks again everyone for everything!
hah, my mission presidents and district leader, i seriously have the best mission in the world :) this is our nativity
This is what happens when you do insanity (work out videos) every morning, i´m just too strong for my own good :)

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