Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, December 1, 2014

I'm done with I'm in trouble!

So yeah, i´m officially done with training!  and guess what? i´m now a trainer.  i´m a trainer for a gringo from Utah.  and i am absolutely terrified!  how am i supposed to help someone learn spanish when i still can´t speak it very well?  and run the sector when i still don´t know a lot of the people and can´t understnad them completely?  so yeah, i´m terrified but 1 nephi 3;7 is my theme right now.  i know i can do this because God gives no commandments unless he knows we can accomplish what he has asked of us.  i can do this......we just might have a lot of awkward moments in the process.... pray for me, i´m gonna need it.

We just got back from Volcan Osorno!  it was so beautiful!  we went with a bunch of missionaries, oh goodness Chile is beautiful.  and i got my snow for the year, there was a patch of snow we hiked to and ended up sledding, and had a huge snowball fight.  it was super fun, and i´ve missed hiking so incredibly much.

so stupid moment of the week-- we had to pick up lunch the other day and bring it back to our house. so i carry this plate of chicken 1/4 mile adn literally one step away from setting the plate on the table i managed to dump the chicken juice all down me.  wow, smooth. haha

thanksgiving was great too, my companion and a family in the ward surprised me with a pie and we made heavenly trifle with brownies, pudding and raspberries. heavenly i´m telling you, it was amazing.

it was an amazing week with a ton of spiritual moments. the higholight was our visit with omar and odette.  omar is less active and odette is an investigator.  we didn´t even have to say anything, omar just started talking like he normally does, then started talking about his mission and the next thing you know we´re all in tears from his amazing testimony as he talks about the temple adn turns to odette and tells her he wants her to feel the same things he did when he went to the temple and asks her if she wants to go their with him someday.  it was super powerful, omar truly has had a change of heart and odette wants to be baptized as soon as they´re married.

so yeah, wish me luck this week, i´ll be fine. i know i can do this because God has trusted me to do this. my theme of the week,  ¨i can do all things through him that gives me strength¨ 

love you all, have a great week!

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