So, i´ll start with the unexpected phone-call and end with the happy news. So, we were about to leave the house when suddenly our phone rings, it was a number that was unrecognized, the hna sambrano answered and it was a guy asking for me, when i took the phone, he told me that it was Elder Medina (aka, the elder from my 1st district that decided to stay in his mission) I couldn´t have been more surprised to receive a call from him. So anyway, he tells me that he fractured his foot and has to return home for it to heal. :/ as he tried explaining more of course the phone randomly dies. So i´m left without anwers, just super sad knowing that my good friend has to return home 1 year early from his mission. :(
But, i didn´t have time to linger in my disappointment, because....We were leaving the house to go to Jorge and Veronica´s wedding!!!!! :D
This week was crazy, opposition in all things exists, the government here is ridiculous, we didn´t know if they were going to be able to be married this week or not until the day before. and the funny (or not-so-funny in the moment) thing was that we were waiting all week to hear, and so Veronica calls us on wednesday telling us that they were going to be married on friday, we were so excited, and then the next morning they call to tell us that They started another strike and that the government buildings were closed again. I´ve never prayed so hard in my life. Finally after all our prayers and fasts, On Friday somehow everything worked out, and we went to their wedding!!!! and Saturday Jorge was baptized!!! :D It truly was a miracle.
I´ve never been happier than i was yesterday, sitting in church, next to Familia Melehauchun (they actually came to church with us!!!!!! :D and watching Jorge recieve the gift of the holy ghost, pure happiness :)
So basically, my life is perfect right now. and its only getting better. next week we have a conference with a member of the 70, so we get to travel to Puerto Montt!!! i´m gonna be in my sector for 3 days :D
i´m glad all is going well at home. Cuidense esta semana! i love you all!
-Hna Hebdon
p.s. mom - just a few notes, when i get home can it just be intermediate family in the airport? (and emma obviously)
and for my homecoming please don´t worry about putting on something grand with a bunch of food, i´m good with something small and simple...
i really do want to move to Chile one day...
This is the Familia Melehauchun!!!, pricilia, Cony and Barbara (we didn´t plan the colors, we just arrived and all happened to be in the same color :)
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