So we start out on the trail and while we´re hiking we called a member to come pick us up at the end so we wouldn´t have to pay another taxi. So she said she could and that she´d meet us at laguna verde, so we look at our map and laguna verde is on the complete other side. So we had 3hrs and figured it´d be enough time to get to laguna verde, have lunch and chill a bit. Sooo, as we´re walking we arrived at a look-out, took some pictures and started down the trail again, but the trail had changed to a road for cars, i asked Hna Sambranos if this was our trail and she assured me that it was. Well, to make a really long story a little shorter, it wasn´t our trail. So what happened was without knowing it until the very end we had backtracked on another trail almost to the beginning of the trail. and made a HUGE loop to get to laguna verde. when we arrived, we found the trail we had been on and that we were literally 2 minutes away from our destination when we took a wrong turn and walked in a huge circle for 1 1/2 hrs. We arrived right as the hermana arrived to pick us up, so we never did get our chill time nor our lunch. F.A.I.L but, i feel super great/healthy (apart from the fact that i´m exhausted and sore) but it was like the good old days going on hikes with dad :)
As for the rest of my week, it was a week of opposition, Saturday all our appointments got canceled and people weren´t home because it was a beautiful day so everyone left to go enjoy it (i don´t blame them) The one visit we did have was a bit depressing. Manuel and Gabriela really are looking for the truth, they were attending church for almost a whole year but felt they hadn´t recieved an answer, so they started studying with the adventistas and other churches and are now super confused, so we taught them a super spiritual lesson but at the end told us that if we continue to pass by they only want to read and study the bible and don´t want us saying our church is true. So we testified of prayer and that its the only way for them to recieve an answer and left broken-hearted. Why are so many churches confusing the people! it just broke my heart to see a beautiful family on the right path but the voices of the other churches was louder and they slipped away.
but after that discouraging day, God blessed us with the best sunday of my whole mission! Everyone came to church! all the part-member families that we´re teaching, our investigators, it was a beautiful sight. I about leaped out of my seat when i saw familia Vasquez enter. haha, i´ve never been so happy so see anyone at church before :)
Ok, i heard the best story every and i died laughing, we were teaching Nefi, a 10yr old who´s gonna be baptized in november and his parents told us a story from when he first starting visiting with the missionaries. hahaha. So the elders were teaching him how to pray and they tell him you just have to say ¨Padre Celestial¨ and then say what you want... well Nefi heard a bit wrong, and starts with confidence his prayer and says, ¨Our dear Padre Sebastian¨ ..... yeah that prayer didn´t last very long as there was an awkward silence and everone bursts out laughing.
Embarrasing moment of the week: we were walking (big surprise there) and i was a bit bored so i started singing a song that Hna Oross taught me, it goes likes this ¨i lo-lo-love to pla-la-lay on my-ly-ly banjo-lo-lo...¨ and that for the whole song, so after singing it for 10 minutes straight, we pass by a huge group of youth and i say all excited ¨Hola-la!!!¨ haha, yeah bad idea to sing that song....
well, life is great! we had intercambios this week so we traveled to Aysen, its the prettiest route in the world!
I love you all!!!!
-Hna Aubrey Hebdon
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