Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, September 14, 2015

Shopping spree!

Hola a todos!

Well, i´m glad you survived Hawaii mom. haha, sounds like quite the adventure.  
so this week i don´t really remember what was so long ago...

well, dad, i was finally able to withdraw money! whohoo!  and it might have been a mistake. hah...uhm, lets just say i´m praying i don´t have transfers again cuz i have no idea how i´m gonna pack.  Angelmó has anything and everything and so we went there today to get a few souvenirs (cuz its better to buy now while prices are lower before tourism season).  it was the hardest thing of my life not to buy everything. but i´m done buying things for good.  (so this is a i´m already using the christmas money that i may or may not recieve... ;)

We went to Chiloé this week.  it was great, i love traveling way too much.  4 hrs there in a bus, i definitely slept the whole way there and back :)

On Friday the elders in Portal del Mar asked us to sing a special musical number for their baptism, so it was a wonderful excuse to go back to my old ward :)  Gina came with us with her son Franco and i got to see everyone there.  We took advantage when Gina was off talking to other members to talk to Franco (he´s 9 yrs old) to see if he has any desire to be baptized. he said yes, so we made a deal that he has to stay and listen to us when we´re teaching his mom. :)   
Gina had her baptismal interview and passed with flying colors :D  so everything´s ready for the 18th!   it´s going to be the best day ever.  the 18th of september is the biggest holiday here, its independence day for them.  so we´re gonna have Gina´s baptism in the morning and in the afternoon have the grand Sept 18th party for the rest of the day, its a pretty good way to celebrate her baptism :)

Its been amazing to see this change in Gina, how the gospel truly has blessed her life.  so no i have this renewed strong desire to help everyone we teach to have this change in their hearts, a change that truly brings happiness and joy into their lives.

whelp, that´s about it.  I love you all so much!

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