Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, July 20, 2015

Best week ever!

Hola mi familia!
Wow, this week was just too good to be true. en serio.  but first off, thanks for all the emails and updates and photos.  I´m not gonna recognize anyone when i get back.  Lydia and Brynlee are so big now i can´t believe it.  

So basically i feel like a terrible person.  Cuz this week was so amazing....and it was the week that my companion was sick.... So i got to leave everyday with members and work while she stayed at a member´s house. But here´s why i´m just exploding with happiness....
so Tuesday we went to the leader´s counsel for the other zone, aka, my zone from portal del mar.  so i got to talk to the elders who are now in my sector and get an update on everyone.  then the elders told me that i should call Camila and Vivianna and have them accompany us for appointments.  i was so surprised cuz i thought it was against the rules, but talking to my ZLs they told me it was ok.  So i got to call Camila and VIvianna!  and even better, when my companion got sick and i needed a new companion for 4 days i got to go with Camila one day and viviana the next.  And to have the whole day to talk to them while proselyting just made my life!   
I know i´ve been sent back to puerto montt for a reason and its to help them.  To help Viviana get out on her mission and to help Camila who´s been struggling a lot.  Camila has problems with depression and the past 4 months have been terrible for her. and the fact that now there aren´t hermanas in her sector she felt so alone and starting losing her testimony and stopped going to church and a bunch of other stuff.  But she always said that when she left to work with the missionaries she could always feel the spirit and couldn´t deny the truthfulness of the gospel. but 4 months without that extra spiritual help she fell.   so now i´m back and she´s gonna accompany us at least once a week. :)

So everyday i got to have the whole morning to myself just to study, from 7 in the morning to 3pm while my companion stayed in bed.  I thoroughly enjoyed my personal study time.  There´s so much to this gospel and so little time to learn and understand it all.   Then to be able to work with someone different everyday was a great experience too.  It was super difficult to be in charge of the sector considering i´ve only been here 3 week and i still don´t know people/directions.  but that´s one way to learn the sector is to be on your own for a week.

Ok, i honestly feel bad that i enjoyed this week so much.  But as you´ve probably figured out my companion is .....different from all my other ones.  I love her to death and i´m learning a lot from her. (i´m learning a lot of patience that´s for sure)  but yeah, after what happened last week with her i feel that this was mercy from God that i could work peacefully this week while she recuperated from her flu.   it was a bit painful to return back to normal yesterday...

I feel like its all a dream. I´ve been disappointed too many times i´ve prohibited myself from getting too excited.  But our investigator Daniela´s come to church 2 times in a row and her baptismal date still is for Aug 1st.... i can´t believe it.  if everything goes well her interview will be the end of this week or beginning of next week!!!  :D   she still feels unprepared but says she´ll be baptized that day if she feels more prepared by then. 

So that´s my life.  Living & loving it :)   and this week we´re off to Chiloe for 3 days to go on exchanges with the sisters there!!!!  (4 hrs of traveling, i´m way too excited)

well i love you all!!!

-Hna Hebdon la segunda

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