Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, May 11, 2015

Sorry I fail in my English.

'  well it was amazing to see you guys yesterday!  but seriously sorry i couldn´t really communicate.  i knew my english was bad but not that bad...  that was just sad.  But i´m glad to see you´re all doing great.  Eliza´s grown up a ton, she´s absolutely gorgeous. please stop growing my dearest sister.   I´m thoroughly grateful Maddy was there so someone could understand my spanglish :)  it was great to see and talk to her!

So thing i forgot to mention yesterday, i finally tried one of the typical dishes here in chile....Cow stomach.  I wouldn´t recommend it.

Hey so yeah i already said everything yesterday (quite literally everything, i realized after that i talked the whole time and you guys said practically nothing)  so there´s not much to say today....

one favor, you never did send the info/stories about grandma & grandpa Hebdon and i would love if you could send me it, please and thank you :)

Happy mothers day mom,  honestly there aren´t even words to describe how much i love you. you are the reason i am who i am, you are the reason i know what i know, you are the reason i´m here right now in Chile serving the Lord.  Your example has and will continue to influence my life.  thank you for everything you have done and do for me.  I love you with all my heart :)

give grandma Hebdon and grandma Green a big hug from me!  I love them both so much and they too have had a huge influence in my life and i´m forever grateful for the talents that they´ve shared and taught me.
honestly when i was talking with you guys yesterday i felt the same as when i first got to chile, super frustrated that i couldn´t communicate or express myself. haha.  but this time in english. 
Love, Aubrey

​well I haven't died from the volcano ash so far! Here's a picture of the spider I almost stepped on.

Celebrating hump day with homemade brownies!

this about sums up my life here, walking down the railroad track with our 2 dogs at our side (i never mentioned that Hna Santillán has a dog too)
​My faithful dog I call Butch!

Just being silly missionaries!

just appreciate this grandmother tree

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