Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, November 17, 2014

Best week ever!

Seriously this was the best week ever!  we had a conference with Elder Russel M Nelson! so we woke up at 4am that morning and traveled to Osorno, all the missionaries went (except those in punta arenas cuz its a poco lejo).  so it was amazing cuz i goyt to see all my CCM amigos and meet an apostle of the Lord all in 1 day!  the conference was amazing and Elder Nelson took the time to greet us all personally!
after the conference was kinda crazy with a million missionaries trying to find people and such. but i got to talk to Hna Parkinson for a bit :) she´s doing great!   oh and i got to talk a bit to Elder Alder (aka Jacob alder from Olympus)  and more to Elder Solomon who gave me the sheet music to savior redeemer of my soul with spanish lyrics! he´s my hero :)   so after we returned back to puerto montt and ate lunch on the beach.  it just made my life happy.  summer´s coming so its been warmer with some sunny days! life´s good :)

the miracle of the week was our investigator Marta.  we went to visit with her half expecting that it was going to be our last time because she hasn´t been progressing for over 2 months now. But when we asked her how she felt about baptism she expressed that she truly does want to be baptized she is just discouraged because she hasn´t been progressing. so we set the 20th of December as her goal to work towards and she accepted! So the visit went quite opposite of what i thought would happen.

Random fact: a bunny ate a hole in my jacket...
other random fact: the word random doesn´t really exist in spanish and it makes me sad.

i´m officially the only gringo in my district. elder york returned home this week and our new DL is latino. so i´m now completely surrounded by spanish and have no one to speak english with. no more cheating and speaking english. 

so lesson learned for the week:  it is never a good idea to lift a dog over a gate. even if you do have 4 people helping.  its a long story why it was necessary but it just was.  so this dog is just a bit smaller than Ole so Hna Palma, Lucy and her brother and all in front lifting the dog up and over this tall gate while i´m just chilling behind them, and somehow they managed to pass the dog up and over their heads adn the next thing i know i´m the only one holding this squirming dog and we´re both going down. least i made his fall a little softer.

sad day, thanksgiving doesn´t exist here. and its just not right that we´re singing Christmas songs and we´re going into summer. it doesn´t feel like Christmas at all.

well, all is well, i´m loving every minute.  Have a great week, i love you all!

-Hermana Hebdon la segunda

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