Called to Serve!!

Called to Serve!!
Yo amo El Libro de Mormon

Monday, January 26, 2015

Quick update

Hola Familia!

Dad - yeah they gave us the stuff to spray our clothes for the fleas but now the problem is time. haha, i never have time to do it!  but then the member have been giving us a bunch of random ideas that have seemed to work. for example, on member gave us a bag full of mint leaves and told us to put it on our matress.  i don´t know how well it helped but its helping me sleep with the aroma of mint in my bed so i´m happy :)
one question/ favor dad, so i need personal money cuz we go on little trips and such (and to mom, the earrings here are only about $1.00 each! how sweet is that?)  so i´m going to take money out of my account but its always good to take a bunch out at once cuz its charges you every time. so my question for you dad is how much money is on my debit card? and how much do i have to leave in my account.  oh and guess what, apparently cameras here are $100 cheaper so before i leave i might buy a new camera (maybe if you want to donate money as a b-day present or something, just a thought ;)

so there´s really not much to my week.  we walked, we talked with people, taught and taught some more.  so i´m just gonna send pictures this week.  Hope you all are doing well!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Keepin' up the animo

well its been another interesting week. i´ve decided i officially don´t like summer. all our investigators randomly decided to go on vacation until february. literally all of them. so we´re left walking in the street for hours on end but yah know, thats life so i´ll just keep smiling.

Dad, first question, how did the pie end up on the garage floor? haha, an yes please start working on making cheesecakes so you can have it to a t when i get back :) i miss desserts. dessert here consists of fruit and yogurt. i miss sugar!    and yes dad, this is the prettiest place in the world and we´re coming back here sí o sí after my mission! por favor :)

mom, thanks for the update on everyone, thats crazy that everyone´s getting back from their missions. they just left i swear!  of course how wierd is it that next week i´ll only have 1 year left of my mission?  haha, yah chile´s a bit more pretty than peru, no offense lindz ;)

the pulgas are back!  never in my life did i ever imagine that i would have fleas. but yes, here i am awake all night long scratching my flea bites.  i feel like a dog....

So we had lunch with a family this week and they have changed my life.  they had such a deep understanding of all the gospel topics in a way that i´ve never heard or seen.  lunch is only supposed to be 1 hr but i couldn´t bring myself to leave, we talked to them for 3 hrs.  Honestly i can´t even describe or say the things we talked about because its so profound and deep.  but it sufficeth me to say that now all of these beliefs that i´ve had my whole life have now solidified into knowledge.  it all makes sense if we are willing to look past these limits that our humanly minds have.  the church of Jesus Christ is true, God exists and we are his children.  he has a plan for us and all we need to do to acheive the potential that we posses, this potential to become as God, is to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ faithfully until the end of our lives.  i can´t even describe how hard it is to see all these people that once had strong testimonies that have fallen that ahve lsot their faith because they were lazy and didn´t go to church, didn´t study the scriptures, didn´t pray.  its the simple things really, that we need to do we ahve to nourish our faith daily.  they said their lives were too hard but what they´re forgetting is the best way to overcome trials is through the gospel of Christ. Mosiah 2:41, those who live the gospel faithfully are the ones that will find lasting peace and happiness.

Stay strong and never let your faith fall.  i love you all!

-Hermana Hebdon la segunda

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

I'm a live!

Don´t worry, i´m alive.  yesterday was super wierd. so i finish my email to you guys and then discover the internet randomly died.  but not just in the place we were at, in all of south america the internet suddenly died. how that works i have no idea.... but yeah, i´m alive. :)  ...but i did end up in the hospital this week....

So yup,  funny story.  so we´re just studying one morning when the elders called telling us that they needed our blood.  literally one of the last things i was expecting.  apparantely there was a member who was sick and needed blood so all the missionaries in puerto montt were called to help.  so i broke my promise to myself.  i promised myself i´d never give blood because of my fear of needles.  this is the only situation that could get me to give blood.  so yup, i´ve officially donated blood and i didn´t even pass out! i´ve broke the family trend.  but i did get super light headed and they wouldn´t let me leave the chair for about 15 minutes and they brought me juice and everything while i just sat there trying to get my head back.

we went on a zone trip to petrohue yesterday. it is sooooo beautiful.  chile is amazing :)

well mom, you´re asking for an update of how things are going on an interesting week.  the key indicators for the mission changed from a bunch (such as lessons with member, other lessons, less actives and such) to just 2 -- baptisms and total attendance for church  so our numbers kinda plummeted. our whole district has been struggling for a while.  we have a bunch of great people but none want to act now.  everyone here needs to be married. and we have a ton of great investigators that want to be baptized but their partner doesn´t want to be married so its kinda a problem.  but i have a lot of faith for this next transfer.  we didn´t have any transfers in our district! :)  but i am scared for the next one, chances are i´m getting switched out of puerto montt :/  i could pass my whole mission here i love it so much!

mom, thanks for the dress i absolutely love it!!!  aunt becky & uncle andy thanks a million for the package :)   and thanks everyone for the letters! 
 Alisa, thanks for the card, i love the pictures, heber´s so big now i can´t believe it!  
Cas, thanks for the pictures they were much needed! have a great time in costa rica!  
Curtis and mindy you have the cutest little girl ever! Mindy i hope you´re feeling better.

I love you all a ton! 

-Hermana Hebdon la segunda

Monday, January 12, 2015

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!!  i love you so much! thanks for all that you do for me, you truly are the best mom in the world. i´m sorry i can´t be there to celebrate your birthday with you, but know that my heart is with you today!  I love you more than words can describe and i miss you with all my heart.  Have a great birthday, thanks for everything. i love you :)

love, Aubrey

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year

Curtis and Mindy! Addilyn is so beautiful!!!!!! i feel super weird right now cuz i don´t know why but i just started crying when i saw the picture of curtis and the baby so now everyone  in the room´s wondering why i´m crying.  she´s just so beautiful :) i need details por favor! 

so Happy new year! it was an interesting start to a new year. we woke up to a small pond in our kitchen.  i´m thoroughly convinced we´re going to return home one night to find our whole house has collapsed. its just one problem after another, our house is dying and the elders are convinced that i just break everything i touch. (i´ve turned into lindsey! ;)  and it didn´t help that as they´re telling me this when they came over to help with our pond problem i leaned against the part of our gate that wasn´t broken and there was a huge cracking sound.  poiont proven. haha

it was a bit of a discourageing week. its super hard to see people who are just so stubborn, who won´t open their hearts to listen to our words.  carmen luz has absolutely no desire to listen or accept anything we say and her husband javier is a member and it breaks my heart everytime we teach them. he´s trying so hard to be strong but she just shoots down everything he says.

oh so awkward experience of the week:  we´re walking to an appt and started walking with a mom and her teenage daughter. so we started talking about the church. i told them we´re missionaries of the church of jesus christ of latter day saints and the mom´s all ÿeah i know the church my brother is a member¨ and the daughter told me she´s evangelista.  so we talked for a while and they were super receptive so i invited them to be baptized and the daughter´s all ¨well i was baptized into the mormon church¨ .....this is one of the moments when i wish there were a wall to bang my head against.  yeah both of them are members but haven´t been to church in who knows how long.  so i had to explain that the ¨mormon church¨and the ¨church of jesus christ¨ are the same.  haha, super awkward. i guess i need to be a little more clear what church we´re from so i don´t go around inviting members to be baptized.

well it was another super fast week. time is flying. cambios are next week but its almost certain i´ll stay here cuz i still have 6 more weeks as a trainer for hna Rhees.

i love you all!  please send more pictures of addilyn!