So this as been a strange week. i feel like i've come to a standstill and my spanish hasn't improved at all. then again with what everyone tells me it won't make much a difference how much spanish i know because Chilean spanish is so different. like my teacher says every day "you will suffer". gee thanks i feel real good now. haha. and not only that but the other day he's telling us how there's 2 words for suffer in spanish: sufrir and padecer. we ask the difference and he says sufrir is more dramatic. he's definitely been using sufrir when telling us we're going to suffer so its gonna be a bad kind of suffering ;)
the weeks are all starting to blend together so i don't really know what happened this week. my life in a nutshell: breakfast, study, study w/ teacher, lunch, TALL (online language program that everyone hates), language study, gym, dinner, study w/ teacher, bed. everyday. except sundays which are definitely my favorite cuz its movie night (aka nap time ;)
i sprained my toe... and the elders got way too overly concerned and literally forced me to go to the doctor... over a toe... how pathetic. he told me what i already knew and said to take a bunch of medicine and not play any sports for 2 weeks. yup, i didn't listen to a word he said. its a toe for goodness sake. i ain't giving up my last 2 weeks of v-ball. and why the goodness would i need to take 3 ibuprofen for breakfast, lunch and dinner over a toe?! but its all better now, this happened last week so no worries. my toe's fine...mostly.
yeah so i got some stuff from the temple to send you guys and guess what? i'm not allowed to send pkgs here. great. guess you'll be getting it in a couple months. sorry lize, its a super belated b-day present. or maybe i'll just turn it into your Christmas present ;)
its been super quiet without tanner and all my stalkers around. it was super hard to say goodbye to then and district 4B that i was super close with.
i rescued our elders the other day. we're eating dinner and suddenly it dumps rain. the streets were flooding cuz it was raining so hard. so the elders are just sitting around waiting for the rain to pass (wimps) but we had to get to class and they had gotten in trouble for being late the day before. so my companion and i run through the pouring rain to our classroom. our elders thought we were insane. we were drenched within seconds. we're running full speed and i take one step on the tile in the building and totally wipe out. so we grab a bunch of umbrellas from the classroom and run back to get the elders. then when we get to the elders and they realized that the hermanas ran through the rain to save them their pride was hurt so most of them wouldn't even accept our umbrellas. wow. guys and their pride. everyone thought we were insane. but i love the rain, it was fun. except for the fact that i was freezing the rest of the night. luckily we have a blanket in our classroom so i huddled up in that the whole night.
it kills me. so everyday we sing an opening/closing hymn for class. the elders are so tone deaf (most of them) so i bust up laughing everyday during the song. you know it must be bad if i'm saying this cuz i don't have much of an ear for pitch. so one day we're singing and i start laughing cuz how bad it was. hermana parkinson was singing alto so i didn't realize i was the only one holding the melody. so i stop singing to laugh and suddenly you couldn't even tell what song they were trying to sing cuz it was that bad. haha its so painful to listen to.
so the elders in my district are the annoying younger brothers i never had. this is a new experience for me. love them all to death but they mess with me 24/7. they somehow manage to twist everything i say to mean something else. i dug myself into a really deep hole when i mentioned its hard not to have physical contact with guys (meaning it was hard to say goodbye to all my friends and not be able to hug them). yup, i guess i could have worded that better cuz they would not let that one go and everytime i tried fixing what i said i just dug myself deeper. this is a pretty common occurence. they're very good at manipulating what i say to mean something else. but they're great. its a party.
anyway, i love you all! i have less than 2 weeks left at the CCM (how weird is that?) so if you want to send me a letter (which i know you all do ;) then send it to my address in Chile.
Hasta luego!
~Hermana Hebdon la segunda
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Called to Serve!!

Yo amo El Libro de Mormon
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Just another week in CCM
Thursday, August 21, 2014
I can't believe I'm half way done with the CCM
Hola mis amigas y familia! como estan?
so first off, mom did you ever pick up my paycheck? if not will you get it and deposit it and let me know how much it was? gracias
So, my heart broke when i head about emma and brandt got in another really bad car crash (he's ok), so i'm just sitting in the computer lab crying. great...
well this week has been very interesting. i've been eating dinner with Tanner's district lately, i became pretty good friends with the girls in his district. so, i'm sitting there at dinner one night when one of the elders turns to me and asks "so, what are you doing this friday...2 yrs from now?"i told him i didn't have plans yet and he asked if i'd go on a date with him. 2 min later another elder (Tanner's companion) comes up and asks the same question for saturday 2 yrs from now.
so how is it that i jsut got asked out on as many dates as i went on all throughout highschool in 1 day as a missionary? i don't understand my life
they were obiously joking so i was just playing along. the Elders in Tanner's district are super funn/crazy so i just go with it. they like to creep on me. one of them every time he walks by me says "hola mi amor" , pretty sure thats not ok for a missionary to say but its funny so i won't complain.
its funny how a bunch of people know me but i have no ideas who they are. i feel bad. the other day i'm walking to gym and we pass 2 hermanas who stop me and say "we heard we're playing volleyball with you today" i'm all yeah!...uhhh who are you?" turns out they were from Tanners district. i had no idea he had 4 hermanas in his district i had never seen these hermanas in my life. and they knew exactly who i was without hesitation and i didn't even have my nametag on....i'm still confused about that....
I got kind of carried away the other day when playing the piano. and i got kicked off because i wasn't paying a 'spiritual song' whoops... this is probably my biggest struggle. we had a district meeting in which they whipped out the white bible and read the section on music cuz our whole district seems to be singing constantly and they're not always mission appropriate songs.. so literally 30 sec after the meeting i'm walking out the door and burst out singing "give a little bit of my love to you" the rest of the night was a struggle trying to choke back all the nonspriritual songs that were popping into my head.
so they have these "safe circles" all throughout the CCM. apparently we're supposed to go stand in one of these giant green circles in an emergency becasue they are designated safe spots. let me tell ya, they are anything but safe. i'm running through the rain and i take one step in teh safe circle and slip and fall cuz it was so slick.
One day i'm singing come thou font of every blessing and one of the elders in my district whips out hte piano music for it and gives it to me. happy day! so then me and hermana parkinson are practicing this on the piano one day then later we're playing v-ball wich a bunch of elders i'd never seem before. they come up to me and are all "so you can play the piano and sing all at once? that was amazing!" i was super confused. apparently a bunch of elders had snuck into the room when we were singing and we didn't even know. *awkward.
then today we went to the temple (and by went to the temple i mean we went to the visitors center because the temple is closed for remodeling) and we sang on the bus the whole way there. we get off the bus and these elders come up to me and was all "so was it you that had the angel singing voice?" my life is happy. i'm suddenly getting over my fear of singing for people.
i'm super sad. tanner's district leaves this tuesday, along with my zone leader's district. there goes all my friends. but i guess i can survive without them for my last 2 weeks. can you believe i'm already more than halfway done with the CCM??? i'm terrified to go out in the field. i'm not ready at all! and this is now home, i have a family here.
I love life right now. the other day its pouring rain and our teacher gave us a 5 minute break. so what do my companion and i do? go run through the rain. we start running around the building and we turn a corner only to find the sidewalk and grass completely flooded (my poor shoes i discovered are not waterproof haha) so then we take off our shoes and are just splashing through this flooded area. it was so great. i'[m glad my companion does crazy stuff with me. it was just funny comparing us to all the other hermanas huddling under umbrellas complaining about the rain and their shoes as we are drenched and splashing through puddles.
Awkward moment of the week: i'm sitting on top of my desk and i needed to set my cup down on the window seal. so i lean back trying to reach. literally a split second after i say "this is a terrible idea" the desk flips over and i end up stradeling the desk with it falling on top of me in front of all the elders. i got a huge bruise from taht then yesterday we're playing v-ball and i dove and landed right on my bruise. so now it is the most painful/biggest bruise ever. everytime i rolled over onto my right side last night i'd wake up cuz it hurt so bad....
best purchas of my life: a dry erase marker. my spanish studying suddenly got so much better. we discovered that the walls are all tile so the whole wall is one giant white board! so i spent hours writing different conjugations on the wall. studying is now fun
the elders in my district love teasing me and they keep framing me for stealing elder sandstrum's pens. so the other day we finally got them back. they had all left early for gym so hermana parkinson and I duct taped their pens to the cieling. haha, it took them forever to notice. that taught them to mess with me ;)
so i'm walking to a devotional with Tanner's district when suddenly a flash mob of Mexicans run up and start taking pictures with us. talk about random
the elders in our district started this random thing where they do 10 pushups ever half-hour, so hermana parkinson and i joined in. i'm gonna be buff when i come home ;)
This last sunday was amazing. super spiritual. we watched the Joseph Smith movie and i cried through the whole thing. then our district meeting was amazing. it amazes me that all the elders just graduated high school. their testimonies blow me away and they seem so mature (at times) to have just graduated. of course they definitely have their moments when its obvious they just graduated. psh my ZL's were telling me they thought i looked like i was 16 or 17 when they first saw me. excuse me? i'm older than them!
i played handball with the elders. its a mixture of ultimate frisbee and soccer...i guess thats the closest i'll get to playing ultimate.
well i survived not getting the flu but now i'm getting a cold. but i won't complain cuz its 10X better than getting the flu.
well i love you all! and i miss you. be safe, i'm praying for you all.
<3 ~Hermana Hebdon la segundo
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Well that went fast
Friday, August 8, 2014
I survived the first week!
Hola mi familia! i don't even know where to start....
first off thanks for all the letters, they seriously made my day :)
So day 1, after i emailed you i walk out of the computer lab and my companion was gone. So i literally lost my companion after the 1st 5 minutes of being a missionary. so the whole day i just chilled with 2 other hermanas that ended up being my roommates. So that night there was the biggest thunderstorm ever! It was so sweet! the streets were seriously flooding. I was in the cafeteria when it hit and we're just watching and laughing as elders and hermanas are running to take shelter. So my companion and i had to get back to out room to unpack so we take off our shoes and without a word my companion takes off at a full sprint through the storm. So i hurry to catch up with her and the first step i take i nearly wipe out. we were drenched by the time we got to la casa. haha and then as i'm telling my companion and roommates how much i love storms, lightning strikes the ground a couple hundred feet away and there's a huge clap of thunder that sounded like an explosion. and i'm all "then again maybe i don't love storms..." haha
So my companion is hermana Parkinson. she's from spanish fork. and she is absolutely amazing! we get along so well. she is just like me! She swims, plays volleyball, sings, plays piano, quotes movies. she's great. when I randomly burst out into song she'll automatically start harmonizing with me! it makes my life so happy :) and we always finish lunch early so we have a 1/2 hr to go play the piano. so i've definitely getting my music in :)
oh and on that note, the elders found out that i can play pirates of the carribean on the piano and they make me play it ever single day. haha at least someone appreciates it *cough*andrew*cough*cough. and they found out that i can sing so they've been trying to get me to sing for them. hah like that's ever gonna happen.
I see Tanner all over the place. It's great. Its seriously super nice having someone i know here. especially the first few days it was such a relief seeing a familiar face. he's been giving me the 411 on the CCM. I was kinda hoping his P-day would be the same as mine so we could play some serious volleyball but i forgot to ask when it was. he's district leader (so surprise there) oh and all the elders in his district love teasing me. everyone does actually....i don't really know why. haha
my spanish es estambien. I'm surprised how much has already come back to me from my pathetic 3 yrs of spanish in jr. high. actually i won't give any credit to that. its all the gift of tongues. I can understand 90% of a conversation when a white person is talking and then it drops to below 10% when a Latino is talking. But our fake investigators (who by-the-way just committed to be baptized last night) praise hermana parkinson's and my spanish. so i guess we're doing something right. haha except for the fact that i'm not used to how things don't translate exactly the same. so we're in an appointment and i said 'abrirá con un oración?' which is 'will you open with a prayer? the investigator just stares and is all 'how do you open a prayer?' whoops, guess that doesn't make sense in their language.
oh and i accidentily offended some latino. he was helping our class with our spanish lesson and one of the elders said something and jokingly i said "tu estupido" ... i guess that's super offensive in spanish cuz the Latino didn't take that too well.....
then as i was teaching a lesson in my broken spanish i accidentily said that Jesus was baptized for his sins. that was not a good mistake to make. haha
the food here is absolutely terrible. I can barely swallow the meat cuz its always so dry or so spicy. I've resulted to eating cereal and salad. my companion forces me to eat stuff cuz she's convinced i'm not eating enough. I'm still not used to the fact that i can't just have snacks throughout the day so i eat a small meal and then just have to suffer until the next one. on the bright side they offer nutella sandwiches every day for breakfast and dinner so my life is happy.
The first couple days were super long. I felt like my brain was going to explode or just turn to mush. we were studying so much and it was all so overwhelming. so when sunday came around we kinda took it as a relaxing day (which it should be right?) so it was more of a bonding day. I absolutely love my district! we're seriously family now. its amazing how close i've come to everyone in just 1 week. my district consisted of my and my companions along with 10 elders. so it is really hard to focus when the elders are goofing off constantly. we have to study in the same room and i don't think the elders know what studying means.
So awkward moment for the week: my companion and i had been studying super hard so after dinner we got back to our classroom and there's a hackeysac sitting on one of the elder's desks so we pick it up and start playing. At one point the hackeysac was flying super far so i dove to get it. i end up sprawled out on the floor, and when i look up all the elders are watching through the door window and laughing. so lesson learned: never play hackeysac in a skirt and always play in a place where the elders can't find you. haha
Gym time is always the highlight of my day! the past few days we've been playing volleyball. its so much fun! the first day all the courts were taken so my companion and i just chilled on the grass doing some stretches and stuff and before i knew it I was suddenly getting back into my gymnastic days. i can proudly say I did a successful round-off backhandspring for the first time in who knows how long. The elders found out that i play ping-pong and frisbee so one of these days i'm taking them on.
So one of my hermanas in my room has the most annoying alarm clock known to man. and she insists on setting it for 6 for some reason. one of these days i'm gonna smash that alarm with a hammer.
So right before coming to write this i was walking out of the post office and there were 2 latinos sitting there so i go to say goodbye to them and as i walk out the door i say "hola" (instead of adios) and i'm looking at them as i step out of the door, who knew that there was a huge step right there and i completely fall out the door. my companion makes fun of me a lot cuz i somehow manage to fall at least twice (normally a lot more than twice) a day. i think i have a talent for this.
Well i love it here. I miss you all! and i'll talk to you next thursday!
love, Hermana Hebdon
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